Film: Bad Santa

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Beiträge: 15247
Registriert: Do Nov 11, 2004 1:00 pm

Film: Bad Santa

Beitrag von Grent » Di Nov 23, 2004 5:07 pm

Der Film ist Wahnsinn !!

Beiträge: 15247
Registriert: Do Nov 11, 2004 1:00 pm

Beitrag von Grent » Mi Nov 24, 2004 7:03 pm

:hail: Der geilste Film, den ich seit langem gesehen hab. Extrem geil. :)

Beiträge: 7374
Registriert: Sa Nov 13, 2004 1:00 pm

Beitrag von JesuZ » Mi Nov 24, 2004 10:14 pm

auch noch nie was davon ghört

Beiträge: 15247
Registriert: Do Nov 11, 2004 1:00 pm

Beitrag von Grent » Mi Nov 24, 2004 10:16 pm

Der Film ist echt jedes MB wert, sag ich dir. UR geil.
Der ist jetzt bei uns im Kino, aber in den USA schon auf DVD draußen -> deswegen geile Qualität. :cool:

Beiträge: 5915
Registriert: Sa Nov 13, 2004 1:00 pm

Beitrag von florianklachl » Mi Nov 24, 2004 10:23 pm

stimmt, qualität ist ausgezeichnet.
ist wirklich sehenswert!
obwohl man sich vom titel her was ganz was anderes erwartet, eher einen disney-weihnachtszeichentrick oder so etwas ähnliches wie "versprochen ist versprochen".

Beiträge: 15247
Registriert: Do Nov 11, 2004 1:00 pm

Beitrag von Grent » Mi Nov 24, 2004 10:26 pm

naja, auf BAD kommt es an. :)
Der Film is so derb, sag ich dir. :D

Beiträge: 15247
Registriert: Do Nov 11, 2004 1:00 pm

Beitrag von Grent » Do Nov 25, 2004 3:13 pm

Bewertungen auf
Even with my somewhat warped sense of humor I found Bad Santa to be a horrible movie and total waste of time and money. It was so bad I didn't even want it in my DVD collection so I through it in the trash. My only advise for this one is rent it before you buy it or wait a year or two and get it from a discount store bargain bin for six bucks, (it's not even worth that!) The only reason I gave it one star is because I had to or I wouldn't have given it any.
I've seen this movie, and I just don't get it. OK, Santa's drunk. OK, Santa's a lecherous butt-hole. But beyond that, the joke wears thin. The elf (little person) can't act, and unless you find a relentless, uninspiring, un-clever (is that a word?) tirade of profanity humorous, then I'd skip it. It's a movie that should have been a five minute skit on SNL or MADtv.
Stupid and depressing.
This is a highly unfunny movie, with jokes that are tire after the first time you hear them, and aren't clever to begin with. Thorton's character is pretty one dimensional-he's a drunk with a bad childhood-and he stays drunk throughout the movie. This is not a commentary on the commercialism of Christmas (the director seems to think so), and really it has nothing to do with Christmas at all. Its a robber movie set in a mall at Christmas-that's it.

Bad(der) Santa also expects us to be entertained by the fact that there's a "little person"-i.e. a "midget" in this movie. Why "little people" are supposed to be inherently funny is beyond me. Plenty of jokes related to height are to be expected, and they just fall flat.

Bad(der) Santa is predictable, dull, and just plain unfunny. There is a slightly heartwarming ending, but not worth sitting through the rest of the movie to get to. Besides, if you want heartwarming endings, that's what your typical Christmas genre movies are for.
Lousy, poor, nauseating, terrible, pathetic, garbage, crap, awful, bomb, deplorable, junk, offensive, reprehensible, rotten, vile, appalling, dreadful, rubbish, belligerent, revolting, loathsome, horrible, disgraceful, inferior, pitiful, shoddy, worthless, trash, loser, grotesque, macabre, weak, hideous, bogus, the pits, foul, repulsive, lame, ghastly, waste of time, bummer, sickening, atrocious, horrendous, shameful and disgusting.

In other words, I didn't care for this film. I would say, that it definitely sucked!
I'm a liberal guy. I like movies that are different, but this takes the cake for utter depravity. I just saw the uncut version Bad Santa, and it was one of the worst ever. Ebert, my favorite movie critic gave it high marks, which really dismays me because I don't know what he must of been thinking. How can you mix anal sex with a Christmas story? Call me uptight, but it just doesn't fit. The movie was so dark, the story so unlikely, and so hoaky--all at the same time--that it was just down right awful, if not just plain confusing. Now I'm not a Christian fundamentalist, and I'm not even a Christian, but I can fully understand why this movie would serve as a perfect example for those who are up in arms about Hollywood. Ugh! If anyone has some insight as to why this movie deserved the high marks that it got, please let me know. NO flames, just please explain, thank you. My guess is that people are cutting this movie lots of slack because it's a Cohen Bros. movie. If they hadn't known this from the start, would they have still liked the movie as much? Hard to tell. Bottom line for me is that this movie was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Natürlich gibts viel mehr absolut positive Bewertungen. Aber allein die Tatsache, dass der Film die Gemüter so spaltet, macht ihn sehenswert.

Beiträge: 6612
Registriert: Sa Nov 13, 2004 1:00 pm
Wohnort: Wien

Beitrag von wiesl » Mi Mär 02, 2005 1:15 pm

passt nur bedingt dazu, wollts aber trotzdem posten ;)


Beiträge: 6612
Registriert: Sa Nov 13, 2004 1:00 pm
Wohnort: Wien

Re: Film: Bad Santa

Beitrag von wiesl » Do Dez 08, 2022 5:21 pm

Grent hat geschrieben:
Di Nov 23, 2004 5:07 pm
Der Film ist Wahnsinn !!
Heute um 22.15 Uhr auf ATV: Bad Santa.
Hab ihn schon ewig nicht mehr gesehen, vielleicht heute wieder.

Beiträge: 15247
Registriert: Do Nov 11, 2004 1:00 pm

Re: Film: Bad Santa

Beitrag von Grent » Sa Dez 10, 2022 12:24 am

Noch nie auf Deutsch gesehen. Sicher ur schräg.
Und auch wichtig: Bad(der) Santa heißt glaub ich die xrated Version. Hab mal unabsichtlich die normale geschaut, und da fehlt schon einiges.
Religion is like a penis.

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