Michael Jackson

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Beitrag von Grent » Do Jan 28, 2016 5:28 pm

Bei den beiden hört man's schön:

Da hört man's auch stark, wenn man seine unveröffentlichte Musik von 1989-1991 kennt:

Da hört man Smooth Criminal ganz gut:

Da hört man Elemente von Jam raus:

wikipedia hat geschrieben: Michael Jackson's involvement
See also: Michael Jackson-related games

In 2005, former STI director Roger Hector stated that Sega brought in Michael Jackson to compose music for Sonic 3, but following the allegations of sexual abuse against Jackson, his involvement was terminated and the music reworked.[27] The website of musician Cirocco Jones, who contributed music to Sonic 3 and is credited in the game as "Scirocco", credits Jones along with Jackson and Jackson's tour keyboardist and songwriting collaborator Brad Buxer for musical cues for "levels 2 & 3" of "Sonic the Hedgehog".[28] However, senior Sega staff later stated that any involvement of Jackson was arranged without their knowledge, and no contracts or formal agreements were made.[29][1]

In a 2009 interview with French magazine Black & White, Buxer stated that Jackson was involved with some Sonic 3 compositions, but chose to remain uncredited because he was unhappy with the sound capabilities of the Genesis. He also said that the Sonic 3 credits music later became the basis for Jackson's 1996 single "Stranger in Moscow".[30][1] In November 2013, it was discovered that the Ice Cap Zone theme closely resembles "Hard Times", a previously unreleased track from 1982 by the Jetzons, of which Buxer was the keyboardist and co-songwriter.[31]

In October 2013, GameTrailers dedicated an episode of its Pop Fiction series examining Jackson's involvement with the game. Roger Hector, who previously stated that Jackson's involvement in the game was dropped due to the sexual abuse allegations, stated that any similarities to Jackson's music in Sonic 3 was not intentional on Sega's part.[32] However, an anonymous source involved in the game's development reaffirmed Buxer's statements and said Jackson's involvement happened before the scandals came to light, and that his contributions remained in the game with Jackson choosing to remain uncredited. The source specified that the Carnival Night Zone music was one of the pieces Jackson contributed to.[33]
Religion is like a penis.

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Registriert: So Jan 09, 2005 5:08 pm
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Beitrag von Bergsalz » Do Jan 28, 2016 6:08 pm

Wow, sehr spannend!
"Hey hey hey!" That's what I say.

Beiträge: 3856
Registriert: Sa Dez 04, 2004 1:00 pm

Beitrag von mastastefant » Fr Feb 12, 2016 7:59 pm

Letztens beim Aussortieren in einem alten Bio-Schulheft gefunden :mj:
.. warum auch immer :D
I find your lack of platform support disturbing.

Beiträge: 11846
Registriert: Mi Dez 29, 2004 1:00 pm

Beitrag von Brett » Fr Feb 12, 2016 9:13 pm

Unverkennbar, wer das war.
Forma, Eier Gnodn.
